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News: Leadsom vows to protect food trade with EU

Addressing the National Farmers' Union conference, the Defra Secretary laid out the five principles she thinks should frame food and farming post-Brexit, and vowed both to protect food trade with the EU and pursue deals with other partners.
Sustain | Friday 24 February 2017

News: Children's Food Campaign gave evidence to the Health Select Committee

Children’s Food Campaign Co-ordinator Malcolm Clark was invited to give evidence to the Health Select Committee as part of their special inquiry into the Government's childhood obesity strategy. There, Mr. Clark along with Prof Graeme MacGregor, chairman of Action on Sugar, and Dr Paul Darragh, a member of the British Medical Association's board of science, made the case for the introduction of a sugary drinks duty as well as the need to tighten current regulations regarding marketing to children.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 14 October 2015

Reports: Good Food for London 2019

In our annual London borough league table and series of good food maps, we shine a light on which boroughs are leading the way in creating a better food future for all Londoners. Good Food For London encourages London councils to take action on good food and measures progress in 11 different areas, from food growing, encouraging breastfeeding, school food, Fairtrade and fair pay.
London Food Link | Tuesday 29 October 2019

Reports: Planning sustainable cities for community food growing

For the first time, this guide brings together in one place examples of planning policies around the UK that support community food growing. It is aimed primarily at planning authorities to help them to use food growing as a way of creating healthy communities, itself a specific recommendation within the Planning Practice Guidance that goes with the National Planning Policy Framework for England, but a principle that is relevant across the UK.
Planning Food Cities | Wednesday 9 April 2014

Reports: Good Food Training for London: What we have learned

Good Food Training for London was set up in 2007 to provide free-of-charge food skills training to around 1,000 catering, procurement and other staff in schools, hospitals, prisons and care settings in London. The Mayor's London Food Strategy recognised that to secure benefits to health, the environment and the London economy, catering staff needed the skills and knowledge to plan, prepare and serve healthy, seasonal and locally-produced menus. Based on practical experiences of what works and analysis of the barriers to change, this report develops recommendations for future training policy, next steps for the training project and practical activities for London and the wider public sector.
Good Food Training | Sunday 31 May 2009

News: Learning from communities: tips, ideas and solutions on food aid

With around 2,400 food banks across the UK distributing emergency food aid, the National Lottery shares practical tips from projects they’ve supported over the years including managing food supply and going beyond food.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 10 January 2024

News: New research report maps responses to rising food insecurity during Covid-19

A new research report maps national-level responses to food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic. The report bring's together information from across the UK.
Sustain | Thursday 13 August 2020

News: Food festival celebrates the heritage and future of Welsh veg

Cardiff’s local food partnership, Food Cardiff joins forces with St Fagans National Museum of History to celebrate the veg we grow and eat. The partnership kicks off at St Fagans 10th annual Food Festival 7th and 8th September.
Veg Cities | Wednesday 4 September 2019

News: Children's food campaigners welcome OFCOM cave-in

Richard Watts, Campaign Coordinator for the Children's Food Bill said: 'Ofcom have folded under enormous pressure from the health and consumer lobby, and under threat of judicial review by the National Heart Forum, and are now consulting on protecting children from junk food TV adverts before the 9pm watershed. Given the scale of problems with childhood obesity we are confident that the case for getting tough on junk food TV adverts is very strong - and we are delighted that Ofcom have now said they will listen to us.'
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 26 June 2006

Reports: Recipe for Change Evidence Briefing: Health and economic benefits of an upstream sugar levy on select categories of food

Recipe for Change is a campaign calling for a new industry levy to help make our food healthier, while raising revenue that can be invested back into children’s health. This evidence briefing looks at the health and economic benefits of an upstream sugar levy on select categories of food.
Recipe for Change | Wednesday 20 September 2023

Recipe for Change: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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