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Blog: Sustain 2020 – conference shines a light on how good food and farming can lead an economic recovery

The sold out event heard from the likes of Victoria Prentis Minister for Farming Fisheries and Food, Luke Pollard Shadow Secretary of State for EFRA, Sheila Dillon, and Tamsin Cooper of the National Food Strategy alongside a host of Sustain members and friends pitching ideas on how sustainable food and farming could help us build back better.
Sustain | Wednesday 23 December 2020

Reports: Good planning for good food - using planning policy for local and sustainable food

Spatial planning directly affects the food system, including decisions about protecting land for farming, planning permission for food retailing and waste management facilities, and encouraging urban food production. This report explores how local authorities and communities can use planning policy and decisions to create more local and sustainable food systems.
Planning Food Cities | Wednesday 9 February 2011

News: Is Government seriously threatening to end action towards healthier food?

Reports have emerged that the new Government is considering ripping up a number of its flagship childhood obesity strategy measures, including the successful Soft Drinks Industry Levy and plans to protect children from junk food marketing. Sustain's Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 14 September 2022

News: Two weeks left to shape the future of London’s food

There are less than two weeks to respond to the draft London Food Strategy, to shape the way that we grow, make, cook, eat and save food in London.
London Food Link | Tuesday 26 June 2018

News: Book now for City Food Policy Symposium

Sustain member the Centre for Food Policy are hosting their annual symposium which will review new national and international food policies.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Wednesday 30 January 2019

News: Horticulture alliance resign from government roundtable ahead of Sunak farm to fork food summit

Ahead of Rishi Sunak’s Food Security Summit, which will be taking place on Tuesday May 16th, the UK Fruit and Vegetable Alliance (FVA) has announced their resignation from the Government’s Edible Horticulture Roundtable, citing ‘disappointment at the decision not to develop a horticulture strategy for England'.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 15 May 2023

News: Report on sustainable food procurement for London's Schools

Launched on the 25th November 2005 at a food strategy consultation event, this report for the London Development Agency details work undertaken by London Food Link explorimg opportunities for sustainable food to be introduced into London schools.
London Food Link | Wednesday 7 December 2005

News: Mayor of London Sadiq Khan consults on proposal to ban junk food ads on Transport for London network. Sustain responds

The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is consulting on the possibility of a complete ban on advertising of junk food and sugary drinks across the Transport for London network, to help combat child obesity, responding to Sustain's campaigns for this action. Sustain applauds this bold ambition, as part of the launch today of a public consultation on the draft London Food Strategy.
London Food Link | Friday 11 May 2018

News: UK food and drink industry calls for EU free trade agreement

The House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee has said the Government should prioritise a free trade agreement with the EU to protect the UK food manufacturing industry and hundreds of thousands of British jobs.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 28 May 2018

Reports: Council toolkit: Councils and food growing

Useful information, links and signposting to help councils support food growing initiatives.
Capital Growth | Wednesday 15 December 2021

Capital Growth: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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