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Reports: Vote good food: A London Food Link briefing on the London Mayoral Election 2016

At London Food Link we believe there are food related challenges the new Mayor of London should be tackling head on and opportunities for them to seize.
London Food Link | Wednesday 6 April 2016

News: House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Sub-Committee inquiry into food information.

Evidence from Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming (19 April 2004)
Sustain | Monday 19 April 2004

Reports: Vote Good Food: A London Food Link report on the London Mayoral Election 2021

Ahead of the elections in May 2021, this new report highlights key policy asks which have been sent to all candidates, together with the food-related manifesto commitments of the mayoral candidates representing the four main parties.
London Food Link | Tuesday 20 April 2021

Blog: Food and farming in 2019 – what’s going to happen?

The Agriculture Bill, a new Environmental Land Management scheme, the development of a National Food Strategy and increasing climate breakdown – all these lie in store for us in 2019. In a time of Brexit uncertainty, sustainable farming coordinator Vicki Hird looks to the year ahead and prospects for better outcomes for our food supply, farmers and the environment.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 17 December 2018

Events: Free beginner food growing session on how to work with London clay for food growing

In this free beginner food growing session in partnership with The Royal Parks, we'll learn all about working with London clay for food growing.
Capital Growth | Tuesday 4 July 2023

Reports: Good Food Economy. How councils can support good food enterprises: findings from London

This report presents ideas for how councils can work with local food enterprises and organisations to build back a better, fairer, more inclusive, healthier, sustainable, and prosperous economy after Covid-19.
London Food Link | Monday 8 March 2021

Reports: Financing community food: Securing money to help community food enterprises to grow

This report examines the funding needs of community food enterprises and how they can continue to use food to achieve a wide variety of important social and environmental benefits.
Making Local Food Work | Monday 14 January 2013

News: Food to be part of building beautiful places

A revised National Planning Policy Framework and a new National Model Design Code for England call for higher quality designs of development and neighbourhoods where residents can grow and buy healthy food.
Planning Food Cities | Tuesday 27 July 2021

Reports: Menu for Change: How a commitment to good food can help the candidates for London Mayor

London is one of the few major cities in the world to have a food strategy, and to have recognised the need for local government, businesses and communities to take action to address the very significant impact that a city's food has on health, jobs, animal welfare and the environment. Written for London's 2012 mayoral election, this report outlines how important objectives can be achieved through good food policy by London's mayor.
London Food Link | Thursday 10 November 2011

News: Children’s Food Campaign, youth MPs and primary school children hand in a petition at No 10 Downing Street calling for School Food for All

Young campaigners have called on the Prime Minister to ‘Say Yes to School Food For All’ from the steps of No 10 Downing Street, as they deliver a map showing cross country support.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 17 November 2023

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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