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News: UN's World Food Programme forced to cut food aid

The WFP says it's being forced to cut food assistance for vulnerable Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan because of a severe lack of funding.
Sustain | Saturday 4 July 2015

News: EFRA Committee calls for more Government action on food security

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) select committee have released a report calling on the Government to take food security more seriously, or risk public health consequences. The report called on the Government to revisit its response to the National Food Strategy, particularly on the free school meals and 'breaking the junk food cycle' recommendations. Sustain responds. 
Sustain | Friday 28 July 2023

Blog: Beyond hunger and the food bank: a new right to food

The phenomenal rise in the use of charitable food banks is a symptom of an underlying disorder: That the human right to food is far from a reality for too many people in our country. Sustain, Just Fair, Nourish and the Institute of Health & Society at Newcastle University explain why our new programme will bring the benefits of a right to food home.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 27 September 2017

News: Sustain Alliance writes to George Eustice re agricultural transition and food security

The letter, from Sustain and partners to Ministers George Eustice and Victoria Prentis, calls on Defra to implement an accelerated and ambitious Agricultural Transition Plan and national food strategy in order to tackle the various problems of our food system and its food and nutrition security vulnerabilities.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 28 March 2022

News: Pressure grows to protect children from 'junk' food ads

This week the National Consumer Council and the National Federation of Women's Institutes become the latest bodies to add their considerable influence to the campaign to protect children from 'junk' food advertising, bringing the number of supporting national organisations to 83.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 29 July 2003

News: Children's Food Campaign welcomes the start of new rules restricting junk food marketing to children

Saturday 1 July marks the date when the new Committee of Advertising Practice rules come in. These rules ban the advertising of high fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) food or drink products in traditional and online children’s media and other sites where children make up over 25% of the audience. It also marks the launch of our Operation Eagle Eye to make sure that companies keep to these new standards.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 30 June 2017

Reports: A decade of hospital food failure - £50m of failed initiatives to improve hospital food

The report reveals that more than £50m of taxpayers' money has been spent by government on failed voluntary attempts to improve hospital food in the last ten years. It calls for decisive action to set standards to improve the health and sustainability of hospital food, for the benefit of everyone.
Good Food for Our Money Campaign | Tuesday 1 December 2009

Events: Food Power: Beyond the food bank

This Food Power webinar introduced models to help move local responses to food poverty beyond the food bank.
Food Poverty | Thursday 26 April 2018

News: Food businesses want a better food system

Food: All Things Considered is a new report by the Food Ethics Council reflecting on eight years of meetings of their Business Forum, which brings together senior food business leaders. 
Sustain | Friday 5 June 2015

News: Sustain response to 'A food and health problem analysis, leading to a food and health action plan'

Sustain response to the consultation document on 'A food and health problem analysis, leading to a food and health action plan'
Sustain | Friday 12 September 2003

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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