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Reports: Beyond the Food Bank: London Food Poverty Profile 2019

Beyond the Food Bank 2019 is the fifth edition of London’s comprehensive food poverty profile. The report looks at what local authorities are doing to reduce food poverty across a range of measures. 
Food Poverty | Wednesday 23 October 2019

Reports: Beyond the Food Bank: London Food Poverty Profile 2018

Beyond the Food Bank 2018 is the fourth edition of London’s comprehensive food poverty profile. The report looks at what local authorities are doing to reduce food poverty across a range of measures. 
Food Poverty | Monday 5 November 2018

News: Free support to help Scottish food SMEs reduce food surplus and waste

Resource Efficient Scotland is offering free support to small and medium sized food businesses in Scotland to help them cut down the surplus they generate.
Real Bread Campaign | Friday 16 March 2018

Reports: The Sustain Guide to Good Food: How to help make our food and farming system fit for the future

Not sure whether to buy local or organic, fish or meat, from the farmers' market or supermarket? This guide should help. Drawing on the expertise of Sustain's member organistions it sets out what you can do - and ask others to do - to help make our food and farming system fit for the future.
Sustain | Friday 21 June 2013

Events: Food Power: Older people's access to food and meals on wheels

What are the challenges older people face in accessing food and what can meals on wheels offer?
Food Poverty | Thursday 8 November 2018

Events: Food Power: Working with academics to tackle food poverty

How can working with academics help tackle food poverty locally? Find out in this Food Power webinar.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 23 April 2019

Reports: Good Food for Festivals Guide - celebrate the best of fresh, delicious and sustainable food

By adopting the simple, affordable and effective actions outlined in this guide, many of which are already being taken by some forward-thinking festival organisers, your event can play a part in improving the health and well-being of visitors, the livelihoods of farmers and producers, the welfare of farm animals, conservation of precious wildlife and fish stocks, and the long-term sustainability of our food system.
Ethical Eats | Wednesday 15 August 2012

News: Food Research Collaboration launches online resource on food after Brexit

Website will host reports, talks, blogs and more, from academia and civil society, to monitor and shape discussions of how British food and farming will look outside the EU 
Sustain | Friday 30 September 2016

News: New report 'Mapping the UK Food System' looks into value of agri-food sector

The expansive UK food system has been mapped and quantified in new report that reveals both the value of the agri-food sector and the multiple challenges it faces.
Sustain | Thursday 5 November 2020

News: Food Ethics Council launches new report On the Road to Food Justice

The report offers a new framework to first understand, and then tackle, injustice across the food system.
Sustain | Wednesday 7 October 2020

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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