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Reports: Food Supply and Distribution - evaluation of this strand of the Making Local Food Work programme

Independent evaluation of the Food Supply and Distribution strand of the Making Local Food Work programme, conducted by Dr Stuart Jones of the Programme for Community Regeneration at the University of Glamorgan
Making Local Food Work | Tuesday 27 March 2012

News: Urban Food Awards: The women putting good food on London’s plate

Thirty of London’s leading Women in Food are being celebrated as part of the capital’s Urban Food Awards, championed by the Mayor of London.
London Food Link | Thursday 21 March 2019

News: London Food Link set to celebrate the capital’s Urban Food Heroes this September

This year's Urban Food Fortnight  (8-24 September 2017) will feature dozens of events including a new focus on foraging and launch of London’s brand new Urban Food Heroes award. 
London Food Link | Wednesday 23 August 2017

Reports: Beyond the Food Bank: London Food Poverty Profile 2015

Beyond the Food Bank is London’s first comprehensive food poverty profile. The new report from Sustain’s London Food Link looks at what local authorities are doing to help the most vulnerable access good food.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 21 October 2015

News: Emergency income scheme needed as food banks see record number of people running out of food

The Trussell Trust and Independent Food Aid Network food bank networks report an unprecedented surge in demand for food aid since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis
Food Poverty | Friday 1 May 2020

News: Grow, Make, Cook or Save food in London? Get involved in Urban Food Fortnight

London Food Link’s new interactive online map and directory is open, so you can list Urban Food Fortnight events and help promote London’s local larder from 20th September to 7th October 2018. 
Jellied Eel | Wednesday 8 August 2018

Blog: Sustainable Food Places: Joining the dots on local food

As part of the Sustainable Food Places Day of Celebration and Action on 10th June, organised to acknowledge the amazing work of food partnerships during the pandemic, Sofia Parente explains what are food partnerships and why you should create one in your borough. 
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 9 June 2020

News: Women in Food celebrated at London's Urban Food Awards

A new addition to this year’s Urban Food Awards, the winners of the Women in Food category were announced at City Hall, honouring their great work in to improve the way our food is grown, cooked, made and shared in London.
Jellied Eel | Thursday 21 March 2019

Reports: Beyond the Food Bank: London Food Poverty Profile 2016

Beyond the Food Bank 2016 is the second edition of London’s comprehensive food poverty profile. The report looks at what local authorities are doing to reduce food poverty across a range of measures. 
Food Poverty | Sunday 13 November 2016

Reports: Beyond the Food Bank London Food Poverty Profile 2017

Beyond the Food Bank 2017 is the third edition of London’s comprehensive food poverty profile. The report looks at what local authorities are doing to reduce food poverty across a range of measures. 
Food Poverty | Friday 13 October 2017

Food Poverty: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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