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News: UK’s Food and Drink Federation are target of global backlash against Rio Olympics's “carnival of junk food marketing”

Public health experts from 5 continents strongly criticise comments made by the head of the Food and Drink Federation, that non-western countries have “no problem" with Coca Cola and McDonald’s sponsorship of the Olympics.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 5 August 2016

News: Parliamentary committee calls for sustainable food production to support a resilient food system

The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee report into environmental change and food security made multiple recommendations that chime with calls from the Sustain alliance.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Friday 8 December 2023

News: New Food Standards Agency data confirms high number of people struggling to afford food in the UK

New survey data released today show that 8% of adults living in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are food insecure - a whopping 3.9 million people - not even including those children dependent on them. Sustain believes central government should start to regularly measure the scale of this problem as other countries do. Only then can organisations offer the best responses and monitor the impact for those people most at risk.
Sustain | Thursday 30 March 2017

News: Food campaigners welcome Government's 'no compromise' on school food

Campaigners for the Children's Food Bill today welcomed the Government's announcement on improving the quality of food in schools.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 24 May 2006

News: Junk food babies: cheeseburgers and chocolate biscuits healthier than baby food

New research has exposed the poor nutritional quality of many foods marketed for babies and young children.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 4 May 2009

News: CFC Food Heroes and Food Zeroes of 2015

Here’s a round-up of the Children’s Food Campaign’s 2015 activity, campaigns and successes, with the help of some of our ‘Food Heroes’ and ‘Food Zeroes’ of the year. It has been a momentous year on many fronts!
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 21 December 2015

Reports: How can improved food labelling contribute to a healthy and sustainable food system?

Food labelling should help consumers to eat healthily and to use their buying power to support sustainable food and farming. However, food labelling is currently confusing, with new proposals to label food for health and sustainability hotly contested by the food industry and government. This 36-page report was prepared as a technical submission to the Quality of Life Commission in 2007. It investigates the history and purpose of food labelling, and explores how food labelling could be used to support public policy goals, to improve health and the sustainability of the food system.
Labelling for sustainability | Thursday 1 March 2007

Reports: Good Food for All Londoners 2022: Tracking council action on food

The Good Food for All Londoners report reviews council action on food under two key themes: tackling the root causes of food poverty and supporting residents to buy and eat affordable, healthy and climate-friendly food.
London Food Link | Monday 27 March 2023

News: Sustain responds to Evening Standard's campaign on food waste and food poverty

Sustain's Food Poverty officer, Simon Shaw, reflects on the new Evening Standard campaign, Food for London, launched on 20 September, and its fit with the work of Sustain and its members to tackle both food poverty and food waste.
Food Poverty | Friday 23 September 2016

News: Food charities and children's organisations call for school food to be put on Ofsted menu

Over 30 organisations including Children's Food Campaign, Soil Association Food for Life, and School Food Matters along with Jamie Oliver are calling on the Department for Education to act on its promise to prioritise children’s health and well-being and ensure schools deliver healthy meals and food education.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 20 March 2019

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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