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News: Children's Food Campaign welcomes spotlight on high salt children's meals

Children's Food Campaign response to CASH survey of salt levels on children's menus
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 14 June 2012

News: Health experts call for levies on unhealthy food to protect "our greatest asset"

Better health will only be possible if we move from a sickness model of health policy to a health creation model, including more use of taxes to disincentivise unhealthy food, argues the final report of IPPR's Health and Prosperity Commission. Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 17 September 2024

Reports: Food Power evaluation report: Local Evaluations Report

Food Power aims to transform the way that people in food poverty can access support and create long-term sustainable lives free from hunger. Researchers from Cardiff University have acted as evaluators of the programme across its delivery. This is one of a series of reports focused on years three and four (2019-21), presenting experiences and impacts associated with particular areas of activity.
Food Poverty | Friday 1 October 2021

News: London restauranteur, Asma Khan, supports calls for a new London College of Food

The Centre for London has published a report calling for a new London College of Food to create much needed improvements in accessibility, inclusivity, and sustainability of our city’s culinary education and training.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 9 February 2021

News: London’s good food scene ‘open for business’

While our thoughts are with places that have shut during lockdown, many of our favourite businesses are open and encouraging shoppers to support local enterprises who are bringing healthy, sustainable food to our neighbourhoods during Coronavirus.
Jellied Eel | Wednesday 8 April 2020

Events: Growing For Change webinar: Protecting food growing sites

Join our webinar on Wednesday 15 November from 2.30-4pm to learn about our new guides covering what planning designations for food growing spaces and other ways to protect your growing spave, created in collaboration with CPRE London. Learn how to raise the profile and protect or save your food growing space from development.
Capital Growth | Wednesday 15 November 2023

Reports: Our Children, Our Future: A parents' manifesto for healthy children's food

Our Children, Our Future is a call from parents to all political parties to prioritise healthy children's food in their manifesto policies and in any new Government. Drawing on insights from over 2000 parents and co-created with The Children's Food Campaign's Ambassadors this manifesto presents five key areas for action that parents believe will make a real difference in children's health.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 24 April 2024

Reports: Home from hospital: Ensuring people have access to food at discharge from hospital and beyond

We need to ensure that patients can access appetising and nutritional meals and food after being discharged from hospital to assist with their recovery, reduce readmission and prevent avoidable costs. This guide summarises five key elements of ensuring people have support in place and includes a range good practice from around the country.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 16 March 2022

Blog: Funding for local food infrastructure and projects: what’s happening with Levelling Up funding?

From the announcement of the projects awarded with the second round of funding of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, to progress in UK Shared Prosperity Funding, to the recent announcement of Rural England Prosperity Fund. This blog summarises opportunities and misgivings of levelling up funding streams, and implications for food partnerships.
Sustainable Food Places | Friday 28 April 2023

News: Children's Food Campaign to launch product placement campaign

Protect children from TV product placement of junk food.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 23 September 2009

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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