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News: Extending the storage time of eggs - in domestic or retail settings - would increase Salmonella food poisoning risks to consumers

This is according to a scientific opinion from The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Salmonella Enteritidis causes the highest number of egg-borne outbreaks in the EU, and extending the sell-by date from 21 to 28 days would mean an increase in the risk of infections of 40 per cent for uncooked and 50 per cent for slightly-cooked eggs.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

News: £5 billion potential boost to local economies through local food in public sector catering

Using local food in our school, hospital and prison canteens would boost local economies by at least £5 billion and create many local jobs.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Wednesday 16 July 2003

News: Health campaigners call for next London Mayor to improve London’s food

Campaigners are challenging all of the candidates for the 2016 London Mayoral elections to say what they would do to make London’s food systems healthier and better for the environment. 
London Food Link | Tuesday 24 November 2015

News: Sustain welcomes Jamie Oliver backing for sugary drinks duty and creation of fund to support better children’s food

In a UK first, the Jamie Oliver Restaurant Group will impose its very own 'child health levy’ on any soft drink with added sugar in all its UK restaurants from September this year with the much needed money raised going directly to fund food education for children and health initiatives
Sugary Drinks Duty | Sunday 21 June 2015

News: Education leaders call for a full "post-Covid reset" of school food and invite public to share evidence.

Dr Nick Capstick OBE has been appointed as chair of a new school food review working group, bringing together educational leaders, food organisations and child poverty organisations to tackle food access, inequality and health in the nation's school system, with a new public survey of school food.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 1 July 2021

News: Webinar: Emerging Practices from the Devolved Nations: Supporting Free School Meal Pupils and Food Aid Community Responses to COVID-19

Sustain member The Food Foundation invites attendees to join this online seminar, Friday 5 June 2-3:30pm. A panel of speakers from local government and policy research will discuss different approaches adopted in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to support pupils eligible for Free School Meals during Covid-19.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 29 May 2020

News: 'The Obesity Games' report - junk food sponsorship of the London 2012 Olympic Games

Spotlight on the IOC's approach to sponsorship, as London2012 labelled 'The Obesity Games' for undermining children's health.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 26 July 2012

Reports: Covid-19 and Children’s Food: Parents’ Priorities for Building Back Better

This briefing summarises insights from over 750 parents across the UK on how life under lockdown during Covid-19 impacted on their children's food intake and preferences, and their views on future policies for tackling food insecurity, improving the school food offer and building a healthier food environment for children.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 8 September 2020

Reports: Response, Resilience and Recovery: London’s Food Response to Covid-19

This year, our report assessing action on food in London replaces and combines our previous Good Food for London and Beyond the Food Bank reports. The new report looks at what councils had in place before Covid-19 that enabled a good food response, their emergency food response to Covid-19, as well as recovery planning to ensure a good food environment and access to food for all. 
London Food Link | Wednesday 25 November 2020

Reports: Dishing out failing food standards - comparing Government Buying Standards to those of McDonald's

This report compares 'Government Buying Standards' (which apply to food served in government departments, parts of the military and state-funded prisons) to the environmental and ethical standards of food served at McDonald's, the global fast food giant, and finds that Government food standards are worse than McDonald's.
Good Food for Our Money Campaign | Wednesday 16 November 2011

Good Food for Our Money Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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