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News: Sustain response to 'Putting consumers first: the Food Standard Agency draft strategic plan 2005-2010'

Sustain response to the consultation document on 'Putting consumers first: the Food Standard Agency draft strategic plan 2005-2010'
Sustain | Monday 28 June 2004

Reports: Beyond the farmgate: Unlocking the path to farmer-focused supply chains and climate-friendly, agroecological food systems

The evidence is clear that the current food system, and specifically the infrastructure and supply chains that serve it, are not fit for farming or consumers. This new report digs into the results from our survey of 500 farmers, with recommendations on how better systems can be created to benefits farmers, the environment and the public.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 25 October 2021

News: Community food growing gardens gear up for Edible Open Gardens Day

More than 100 of the UK's community food-growing gardens will be opening their gates during September 2012.
Good to Grow | Friday 31 August 2012

News: Companies must radically step up their act on sugar reduction or face further government regulation, says Children’s Food Campaign

Public Health England has revealed mixed progress in achieving voluntary sugar reduction targets, with two-thirds of the top 20 companies achieving no change, or even increasing sugar content. Children's Food Campaign responds. 
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 22 May 2018

Reports: A Growing Trade - a guide for community groups growing food to sell in our towns and cities

This Local Action on Food report highlights the commercial opportunities for community grown food and showcases initiatives that are doing it already. The report shows examples of food that is being produced as close to the market place as possible and the opportunities for community food growing projects to make links more widely in the community as well as generate income to contribute towards project costs and to lift the ambitions of the people involved.
Capital Growth | Friday 8 June 2012

News: London Food Commission Launched at London Conference

A new London Food Commission is to be launched this weekend at the Mayor's London Conference. Deputy Mayor and Green Assembly Member, Jenny Jones will be joined at the launch by Mayor Ken Livingstone and Honor Chapman, Chair of the London Development Agency, which is funding the Commission.
London Food Link | Friday 28 November 2003

News: New research by Trussell Trust suggests that almost half of food bank users during the pandemic are repaying debts to government

The Trussell Trust are calling for the UK Government to pause repayment of benefit debts in new Lift the Burden report which finds that 73% of food bank users receiving Universal Credit are repaying advance payments compared to 51% pre-pandemic.   
Sustain | Thursday 3 December 2020

News: Open call for Capital Growth’s London 2023 food growing training calendar now live!

It’s official – Capital Growth has launched its open call for this year’s training calendar. If you’re interested in helping to deliver this year’s London programme, send your proposals to the team before the seasonal deadlines.
Capital Growth | Monday 23 January 2023

Reports: A year in London’s food gardens: Capital Growth network survey findings 2022-2023

Find out what Capital Growth members have to say about their growing spaces, ambitions, and hopes for the future in the 2022-2023 network survey report.
Capital Growth | Monday 18 December 2023

Reports: A year in London’s food gardens: Capital Growth network survey findings 2023-2024

Find out what Capital Growth members have to say about their growing spaces, ambitions, and hopes for the future in the 2023-2024 network survey report.
Capital Growth | Monday 19 August 2024

Capital Growth: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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