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Blog: Trailblazers in children's food: five areas ensuring school food for all

Local councils are taking innovative steps to expand provision and campaign for expansion of free school meals to all children, as Hull, West Midlands, Cardiff, the Greater London Authority and Southwark Council shared ther stories and insights.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 14 December 2023

News: Children's Food Campaign welcomes school food-growing Task Force

The Children's Food Campaign welcomes the announcement of the Food Growing in Schools Task Force, set up in the response to the recommendations of a report co-authored by the Children's Food Campaign.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 24 May 2011

News: All food companies must sign up to traffic light food labelling scheme

Children's Food Campaign responds to the launch of the Department of Health's traffic light labelling scheme and calls on the Government to name and shame food companies which drag their feet.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 19 June 2013

News: Children's Food Campaign response to change of School Food Trust status

Disappointment is expressed by the Children's Food Campaigners at the news of reduced Government backing for the School Food Trust.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 14 October 2010

Reports: The Food Miles Report - the dangers of long-distance food transport

Re-print of the original 1994 publication, with an updated foreword. Food is being transported longer and longer distances - food miles - from producer to consumer. In the UK, comparatively little of the food we consume comes from local producers; and much will have been transported over great distances. Cheap non-renewable fossil fuel energy makes intensive agriculture and long-distance transportation economically viable, and has allowed food production and distribution to become global industries. Prices in shops do not reflect the full cradle-to-grave environmental and social costs.
Food Facts | Thursday 3 February 2011

News: Good Food Cardiff Autumn Festival tackles food insecurity and isolation

Community groups, gardens, neighbourhoods, markets and social enterprises are coming together this month to create a new covid-safe festival of food and growing. 
Veg Cities | Wednesday 23 September 2020

News: Priority Places for Food Index launched to identify unaffordable food hotspots

The Consumer Data Research Centre at the University of Leeds have partnered with the consumer rights group Which? to identify places in the UK where people are most likely to need support in accessing affordable food. The online tool is free to use.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 15 November 2022

News: 30 UK cities call for government action on food poverty and warn that food banks are not the solution

30 towns, cities, boroughs and counties – representing more than 18 million citizens – have signed a declaration calling on Government to address the policy failures that have led to surging numbers of Britons going hungry. The cities warn that local councils cannot solve root causes of food poverty without action from Government to address low wages and problems with the social safety net.
Sustainable Food Places | Tuesday 7 July 2015

Reports: Ethical Hijack - defending local and seasonal food from misleading marketing by the food industry

The Ethical Hijack report sets out the case for why the terms 'local', 'seasonal' and 'farmers' market' should be defended from abuse by the food industry. It gives many examples of how these attractive descriptions have been hijacked by food companies and supermarkets to apply to products that do not have the ethical or environmental benefits that these were originally intended to support. It also features case studies from nearly all the major UK supermarkets, as well as a particular focus on the case of Heinz canned soup that claims to be inspired by farmers' markets.
Labelling for sustainability | Tuesday 1 January 2008

Reports: Food With Latitude: A report exploring food project links across the North-South divide

This report, written in partnership with Oxfam, describes research into links between community food projects in the North and South of the globe. It considers the benefits of sharing knowledge, since people in poverty are often dealing with similar barriers to food security, no matter where they live. Using case studies, the report suggests that establishing links could provide an as yet untapped and innovative solution to some of the problems caused by increasing globalisation.
Food Access Network | Tuesday 1 January 2002

Food Access Network: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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