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Reports: Reaching the Parts... Community mapping: Working together to tackle social exclusion and food poverty

Community Mapping uses participatory appraisal methods to enable local people to analyse their food economies and work with others to develop sustainable solutions to the problems they face in eating a healthy diet. This full colour report illustrates the process and findings of the pilot projects in Brighton, Coventry and Leicester. It concludes with a range of recommendations to help tackle food poverty and increase people's control over their communities.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 1 January 2002

News: New Sustain report shows London councils are serving up good food as part of pandemic recovery

The Good Food for all Londoners report, published by Sustain's London Food Link, reviews council action on food under two key themes: tackling food poverty, and how they’re bringing good food to the borough, which covers action on climate and food for the first time.
London Food Link | Tuesday 1 March 2022

Reports: Capital Growth: What we learned while creating 2,012 new community food growing spaces in London

This publication summarises what we learned, and provides other sources of information, so that towns and cities that also want to create large numbers of green and productive spaces can take some short cuts.
Capital Growth | Tuesday 2 July 2013

News: Olympics to give huge boost to recycling and composting [Food Manufacture News]

With the launch of the tendering process for foodservice packaging suppliers, the London 2012 Olympics organisers are providing a welcome boost to 'widely recycled' and industrially compostable materials.
Food Legacy | Monday 1 August 2011

News: Sustain challenges Bird's Eye's 'good mood food' description of white fish

Health campaigners have challenged Bird's Eye to drop the implication that its fish fingers can contribute to people's 'good mood', despite an advertising industry ruling that the claim can continue.
Food & Mental Health | Wednesday 6 February 2008

News: Summary of the DEFRA Action Plan to develop Organic Food and Farming in England

Sustain | Monday 29 July 2002

News: Sustain/UK Food Group interim response to the UK DEFRA Consultation on the CAP Sugar Regime

Response to the UK DEFRA Consultation on the CAP Sugar Regime
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 8 January 2004

News: Online NOURISHING tool lets you check healthy food policies across the world

Sustain member the World Cancer Research Fund’s newly updated database is a valuable tool for policy makers, researchers and organisations to search for government policies on healthy eating from across the world.
Children's Food Campaign | Saturday 27 October 2018

News: City to Sea new report takes in-depth look at the single-use packaging problem in the UK food-to-go sector

Sustain member City to Sea have partnered with environmental consultants Eunomia on a first of its kind report to investigate the use and management of single-use packaging in the sector.
Sustain | Monday 16 November 2020

News: Recent studies show that agroecology can deliver for food security, nutrition and biodiversity

Agroecology encompasses the environmental, economic and social aspect of farming, bringing them together to show that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Two recent studies highlight how agroecology can deliver on multiple fronts.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 17 May 2021

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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