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News: Defra review highlights 'huge' opportunity to improve public food procurement

Sustain welcomes the recommendations in Will Quince MP's independent report to Defra on increasing the social, environmental and economic benefits of public sector food procurement. 
Food for the Planet | Thursday 30 May 2024

News: Call for councils to promote community food growing through their local and neighbourhood plans

An article in Planning Resource highlights how community food growing contributes towards many social and health agendas. Journalist, Ben Kochan, explains how councils are now promoting such initiatives through their local and neighbourhood plans.
Planning Food Cities | Thursday 30 July 2015

News: Mayor launches food growing competition to find green-fingered residents

Social housing residents are being challenged to become the capital's best community food growers in the Edible Estates competition launched by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and Capital Growth.
London Food Link | Sunday 15 August 2010

News: Industrial lobbying techniques used by the media against London's healthier food advertising policy

New research has revealed that the press used techniques straight out of the industry’s playbook to fight against the Mayor of London’s flagship policy to restrict unhealthy food advertising.
Commercial Determinants | Thursday 3 June 2021

News: Children's Food Campaign response to Science Committee report on Energy Drinks

A Science and Technology Committee report published today (4 December) shows MPs' support for action to reduce consumption of energy drinks, and acknowledges teachers' concerns but says quantitative scientific evidence may not be sufficient to warrant a statutory ban. Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 4 December 2018

Blog: Local authorities must engage people struggling with food poverty to shape their work

The cost-of-living crisis affects people living in poverty the very hardest How can we ensure that their voices and experiences are heard by policy-makers and purse holders? asks Morven Oliver of the London Food Poverty Campaign.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 10 January 2023

Blog: Community farm in Cambridge on a mission to support climate and nature through food growing

CoFarm is a community farm set up in Cambridge to share knowledge about climate and nature friendly farming and show the importance of unlocking land around cities for food growing. 
Food for the Planet | Monday 20 September 2021

News: Calls for international collaboration to combat children-targeted junk food marketing

A report published in February 2020 by the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission calls for a legally binding protocol to be added to the CRC so that countries can work together to prohibit children-targeted junk food marketing.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 3 March 2020

News: London eateries scoop prizes at this year’s Food Made Good Awards

London’s EN Food and The Roebuck both picked up prizes at the annual Food Made Good Awards, held in East London on 5 November to celebrate all the fabulous food heroes changing the hospitality industry for the better.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 12 November 2019

News: Better school food is needed to stop UK eating most ultra-processed foods in Europe

Sustain member the Soil Association releases new State of the Nation report on how children have eaten in 2018 and highlights the important work done by Sustain’s Children’s Food Campaign and the Parents’ Jury.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 27 November 2018

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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