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News: No cases of food on sale with misleading country of origin claims were identified in the investigation

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published the results of a study which looked at the origin of foods claiming to be from the UK and Ireland. No cases of food on sale with misleading country of origin claims were identified in the investigation.  The study, which used a screening technique known as stable isotope ratio analysis (SIRA), followed up with investigating traceability documentation. It examined 96 food samples (beef, pork, lamb, apple juice, tomatoes and honey). Samples were taken from mid-December 2013 to early January 2014.  The samples were mostly taken from retail or wholesale outlets, although four samples of raw beef burgers were obtained from caterers. The FSA said that the samples were not fully representative of the market but, within the limitations of a small study, provided a reasonable spread across retailers and across the UK. Samples were taken from both top end food ranges and economy ranges.  
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

Blog: Government falls short, but councils can still offer a cash-first response to food insecurity

New guidance for the Government’s Household Support Fund may focus on food banks and vouchers, but councils can still deliver a cash-first approach to prevent institutionalising food aid. 
Food Poverty | Tuesday 16 November 2021

News: Webinar: Delivering an emergency food service to people in London during the COVID-19 pandemic

Sustain member the Centre for Food Policy invites attendees to join this online seminar, 28 May 17:15 – 18:45. Presenter Kemi Akinola will share her experience of co-ordinating a direct food aid response in her community during the COVID-19 crisis. Kemi helps run Brixton People’s Kitchen and Be Enriched, two food-based social enterprises in London.  
Food Poverty | Tuesday 19 May 2020

News: Sustain advising five London boroughs to develop food poverty action plans

The Greater London Authority has now allocated funding to five boroughs to develop their own food poverty action plans. Sustain's London Food Link will advise and assist the boroughs as they develop them.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 14 February 2017

News: Milan Expo 2015: MEPs call for genuine global food security

MEPs have voted in a resolution to use the 2015 Milan Expo to encourage sustainable agriculture, promote fairness in the supply chain and fight food waste and malnutrition. MEPs voted by 460 to 126 in favour of the resolution and urged the EU to use the Milan Expo 2015 to press for urgent solutions to the global food security challenge.
Sustain | Friday 8 May 2015

Reports: Finding the Plot: Access to land for food growing groups in urban areas

Report and workshop notes from an event jointly organised by Sustain's Local Action on Food network and The Women's Environmental Network, organised to facilitate knowledge exchange and skills acquisition, for community groups and individuals that are facing challenges in finding land for community food production.
Capital Growth | Wednesday 21 October 2009

Reports: Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Food Support pack

The aim of the Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Food is to achieve a public commitment to improve the availability of healthier food and drinks and to reduce the availability and promotion of unhealthy options. It should be endorsed by the elected leaders of London boroughs and relevant senior officers such as directors of public health.
London Food Link | Saturday 12 November 2016

News: Vicki Hird, Sustain Campaigner talks farming, food and trade on BBC Panorama

Vicki Hird, Sustain’s Farm Campaign Coordinator features in the BBC Panorama programme to be broadcast today (10 July 2017) talking on the likely impact on our food and farming of a new trade deal with the United States.   [Update: the programme can now be viewed on Iplayer - ]
Sustain | Monday 10 July 2017

News: Obesity experts tell Government: 'You can do more on childhood obesity. Start by ending junk food TV adverts before 9pm'

In a pamphlet published today by the Children's Food Campaign, ten experts on obesity, food and children's health tell the Government that it can do much more to tackle to health time bomb of obesity, and should start by introducing a 9pm watershed for junk food TV adverts.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 15 October 2007

Reports: Roots to work: Developing employability through community food-growing and urban agriculture

Published by City & Guilds in partnership with Sustain's Capital Growth project, this research report shows that urban food growing is an effective route to employability. Community food-growing groups and other urban agriculture projects can provide community-based learning and training opportunities, and are an effective way to develop employability for people, particularly those who face difficulties in finding and keeping work. The report identifies the support that projects need to develop employability among their participants.
Capital Growth | Friday 30 March 2012

Capital Growth: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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