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News: New film charts the rise of food partnerships tackling climate change

Across the UK a quiet revolution is taking place. Communities are coming together to create a better food system - one which brings people together, increases the availability of sustainable and healthy food and helps tackle the climate and nature emergency.
Food for the Planet | Monday 24 January 2022

Reports: A Healthy Profit - a simple guide to pricing the food you make or grow

This report aims to help community food organisations price their produce, to cover their costs and make enough healthy profit to fund other social and environmental activities. It explains why this is important both for them individually and for the alternative food system as a whole.
Making Local Food Work | Thursday 7 June 2012

News: New European project on sustainable transformation of our food system to start in 2020

A new project on transforming the European food system towards a low carbon circular future is due to start next year. FoodSHIFT 2030 will support and scale up sustainable food system innovations in cities across Europe.
Sustainable Food Places | Wednesday 20 November 2019

News: London's food growing community takes on the climate and nature emergency

New initiative launched this summer to help protect and enhance London’s existing network of food gardens, as well as create new ones, providing open space and climate-friendly food for thousands of Londoners, thanks to a £246,000 grant from the City Bridge Trust.
Capital Growth | Tuesday 10 August 2021

News: London initiative to tackle sugar and unhealthy food announced today

Announced today at City Hall, the Local Government Declaration on Sugar Reduction and Healthier Food is a new initiative promoted by Sustain to help London local authorities tackle the proliferation and marketing of unhealthy food and drinks.
London Food Link | Monday 14 November 2016

News: Times Health Commission backs expansion of levies on unhealthy food

The final report from the year long Times Health Commission has backed many of the recommendations to reduce the dominance of unhealthy food and protect future health, including expansion of taxes on sugar and salt. Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 6 February 2024

Events: SEWN Together – a localised food growing gathering in West London

West Londoners, join us for the third of our four regional food growing gatherings at Horsenden Hill and Farm bringing together local community garden members, food growing networks and West London Council folk.
Capital Growth | Tuesday 30 January 2024

News: Report on Rootz into Food Growing project calls for further movement building

The new report reflects on the outcomes of Rootz into Food Growing collaboration, which set out to understand and reduce barriers to entry into social enterprise food growing. It calls for new spaces for BPOC growers to come together and a Black-led accredited training programme for growers.
Capital Growth | Monday 4 December 2023

News: Our response to new rules restricting junk food marketing on children's media

Children's Food Campaign responds to the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP)'s publication of new rules restricting the placement of junk food marketing to children in non-broadcast children's media.  
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 8 December 2016

Events: SEWN Together – a localised food growing gathering in East London

East Londoners, join us for the second of our four regional food growing gatherings at Hackney Herbal in Trowbridge Gardens bringing together local community garden members, food growing networks and East London Council folk.
Capital Growth | Tuesday 26 September 2023

Capital Growth: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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