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News: Children's Food Campaigners say: 'Well done on cooking lessons, now for junk food adverts.'

We are delighted that the Government has recognised the need for all children to learn to cook in school. Poor cookery skills are an important reason why some people have such a poor diet. This announcement will make a real difference to children's health.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 22 January 2008

News: Henry Dimbleby set to call for clampdown on junk food and reduction in meat production

Henry Dimbleby, independent lead on the National Food Strategy, is reportedly set to call for a junk food clampdown and reduction in meat production as part of a 'radical' overhaul of the food system.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 18 March 2021

Events: Dynamic Food Procurement and role of food partnerships

Join this Sustainable Food Places webinar to learn more about what is Dynamic Food Procurement, a case study from Bath and North East Somerset, the funding opportunity available and the role of food partnerships.
Sustainable Food Places | Wednesday 9 February 2022

Reports: Good Food on the Public Plate: A manual for sustainability in public sector food and catering

This comprehensive 292-page manual is presented in five parts, for those wishing to introduce better quality and more sustainable food and practices into public sector catering for schools, hospitals, care settings and government food procurement. Developed by Sustain and East Anglia Food Link, the publication includes a review of food and catering in the public sector, considers what the benefits of 'sustainable food' are, has a detailed exploration of the procurement legislation and guidance for producers and suppliers wishing to supply the public sector. It also contains extensive guidance for purchasers, advice on good catering practices, a toolkit with recipe ideas and seasonality charts, a model sustainable procurement strategy, model checklists, and a directory with over a hundred links to useful organisations.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Wednesday 1 December 2004

News: Report on the food production and supply dimensions of food security

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA) has published its report on the food production and supply dimensions of food security. EFRA Chair Anne McIntosh called for clearer lines of UK governmental responsibility, noting that at least three Departments are now responsible for food security: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra); Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS); and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), and stated that to ensure coherent planning and action, overall strategy must be led by Defra, who must ensure a robust approach right across Whitehall. The Food Security report supports the idea of ‘sustainable intensification’ – producing more food with fewer resources – and calls on Defra to stem decline in UK self-sufficiency and deliver more resilience in the UK food system. It notes that for key cereal crops, for example wheat, yield levels have not increased for over 15 years. The report calls for: Supermarkets to shorten supply chains to reduce threats of disruption; UK farmers to extend seasonal production of fresh fruit and vegetables in coordination with the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board, and local and central government; government to reduce dependence on imported soybean for animal feed, as increased demand for protein from emerging economies threatens current supply lines; and government to produce a detailed emissions reduction plan for the UK agricultural sector.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

Reports: Food and Planning: How London's planners can improve access to healthy and sustainable food

Planners have an influential role to play in making it possible for people to enjoy good, fresh food that is affordable and readily accessible. This document presents guidance from the London Development Agency on how planners can help to improve access to healthy and affordable food for people living in deprived areas of London. It contains a wealth of ideas, drawing on examples of what local authorities and organisations have done and the lessons learnt.
Planning Food Cities | Monday 1 March 2004

News: New report from Food Matters puts the spotlight on prison food systems

Food Matters has launched a report demonstrating the ways in which food may be used as a force for change within the prison system to improve nutrition, wellbeing and opportunities for prisoners. 
Sustain | Wednesday 31 January 2024

Blog: There’s no food without food workers

In June 2019 Sustain joined a workshop at Bristol University looking the nature of food work, along with food workers, academics, union representatives, civil society organisers and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Professor Hilal Elver.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Wednesday 14 August 2019

Blog: What do we want on our plates? Food partnerships show Westminster a better food future is oven-ready

On 14 June, the 90+ strong Sustainable Food Places network joined parliamentarians in Westminster to underscore the role of food partnerships in developing and attracting investment in the food and farming sector. Sustain’s Vera Zakharov and Bella Driessen explore the key ingredients to help serve up a better food system.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 22 June 2023

News: Children's Food Campaign slams 'guidance' on nursery food standards

Children's health campaigners are dismayed that recommendations to improve food served in nurseries prioritise voluntary guidance instead of mandatory and enforceable standards.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 4 March 2011

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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