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Blog: Youth perspectives research on sustainable food and farming careers

Sustain is undertaking research to explore the diverse career paths available in the sustainable food sector and how we want to inspire and guide 16 to 30-year-olds from underrepresented backgrounds to explore opportunities.
Roots to Work | Monday 17 June 2024

Blog: Developing green skills for the sustainable food production workforce

First Hand has launched a place-based training and skills programme to develop and embed green skills into food production and manufacturing to support the green transformation of the industry.
Roots to Work | Tuesday 25 June 2024

Reports: Growing Round the Houses: Food production on housing estates

A briefing paper by Sustain and the Women's Environmental Network (WEN), explaining how social housing providers and their tenants can work together on their estates to grow food, and the many benefits that this brings for community cohesion, healthy eating and improving green space, especially for families living on a low income.
London Food Link | Saturday 31 May 2008

News: Urge your MP to invest sugar tax money in children's healthy food

Schools are missing out on much needed funding to improve children’s access to healthy food. There's just days left to the Government's Spending Review, where with your support they could commit income from the sugary drinks tax to improve children's health. Act now and contact your MP.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 11 November 2020

Blog: Doctors’ orders: 10 reasons why growing food is good for you

Jim Sikorski has been an NHS doctor for 38 years, and is one of the cofounders of Sydenham Garden, as well as a keen gardener. Ahead of Capital Growth’s Big Dig Day (this year on 27 April 2019), we look again at his 10 reasons why you should grow food (and get down to your local community garden to do so).
Capital Growth | Wednesday 11 April 2018

News: Jamie Oliver takes on TTIP trade deal over food

Jamie Oliver has stepped in to the fray over the threat posed to food standards by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which he believes will lower standards such as getting around bans imposed by the EU on putting growth hormoes and pesticides in meat, as the same standards dont apply in the US.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Friday 6 March 2015

News: E5 Bakehouse backs battle to save good food arches

Guardians of the Arches are campaigning to save thousands of British businesses, including many of London’s good food champions, from Network Rail’s plan to sell off Britain’s railway arches to the highest bidder.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 19 June 2018

News: How can high food and farming standards be protected in trade deals?

Sustain wants to see British food and farming standards safeguarded in trade deals. This is important for farmers, consumers, animal welfare and the environment. A new report by Client Earth shows that measures, allowed under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, can achieve this if based on honest environmental objectives.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 20 October 2020

News: UK government must ‘face the facts’ on household food insecurity

Food and poverty organisations and MPs are calling on government to measure household food security as part of new British food and farming legislation.
Food Poverty | Monday 2 March 2020

News: Time to close loopholes in ASA junk food advertising rules

The Advertising Standards Authority has upheld Children's Food Campaign complaints about McDonald's and Burger King ads near primary schools, but allowed similar ads to remain close to nurseries and children's centres, as well as on a bus stopping outside nine schools.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 21 November 2018

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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