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News: A case for a sustainable food logistics centre - a food hub

Under the auspices of the London Hospital Project, but with additional funding from the London Development Agency, Sustain commissioned Professor John Whitelegg to prepare a case for a sustainable food logistics centre - a food hub.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Wednesday 23 November 2005

News: Food Crime Unit secures funding to start investigating food crimes

Currently the National Food Crime Unit (NCFU) only gathers intelligence on food fraud. It said it needed ministerial support and £4m - £5m more in funding before it would be able to start proactively investigating food fraud.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Sunday 4 February 2018

Blog: Tackle food security concerns by putting resilience and sustainability at the forefront of food and farming

The various crises we face, from climate change and geopolitical instability to pandemics and changing relationships with neighbouring countries, are putting our centralised and complex food system to the test. They are stretching its limits and showing its weaknesses. To reduce these impacts, the priority should be making our food system resilient and sustainable now and for the future.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Tuesday 12 April 2022

News: Children's Food Campaign calls for new approach to protect children from junk food marketing

The Children's Food Campaign responds to the publication of the National Heart Forum's report 'An analysis of the regulatory and voluntary landscape concerning the marketing and promotion of food and drink to children'.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 29 June 2011

News: Children's Food Campaign calls for action on improving school food, not more reviews

Children's Food Campaign responds to Michael Gove's announcement of a new review into school food
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 4 July 2012

Reports: Food Access & Social Housing: How to help residents gain access to good food

In a city as wealthy as London, residents have a right to a clean, comfortable and neighbourly place to live and a safe, health-enhancing and tasty diet. Written to contribute to the development of the Mayor's London Food Strategy, this report draws on the experiences of housing associations and other social landlords in helping their residents gain better access to good food, food skills, and opportunities to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
London Food Link | Monday 1 March 2004

Events: Food Power: Ensuring children's access to food 365 days a year

A webinar delivered as part of Food Power introducing ways to ensure children's access to food 365 days a year.
Food Poverty | Tuesday 20 March 2018

News: Food industry supports plan to increase donations to food banks

Guidelines from a food industry trade association and the European Federation of Food Banks aim to make donation simpler - but will not address the underlying reasons why people resort to food banks
Sustain | Friday 1 July 2016

News: New report from The Food Foundation reveals the dangerous impact of the nation’s diet and the urgent need to overhaul the food system

Broken Plate report presents the strongest arguments so far for a change in the nation’s food policies to give everyone in the UK access to a healthy diet that avoids further damage to global climate and environment.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 19 July 2022

News: Children's Food Campaign wins fight against product placement of junk food

Children's food campaigners today declared victory in their campaign to stop the Government introducing product placement of junk food in UK-made television programmes.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 9 February 2010

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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