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News: Labour commits to junk food ad ban and extension of sugary drinks tax

Sustain has welcomed commitments from shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth that a future Labour Government would introduce legal standards for hospital food, extend the sugary drinks tax and ban junk food advertising during family TV, for the benefit of the nation's health.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 13 April 2018

News: London’s good food businesses respond to Coronavirus

With London in lockdown, while we try to halt the spread of COVID-19, London’s food enterprises and organisations have been rapidly responding to the challenge to our food supply. Here we share a few of the initial responses:    
London Food Link | Wednesday 1 April 2020

News: Over 30,000 people sign petition to ban junk food adverts before 9pm watershed

The Children's Food Campaign and the British Heart Foundation (BHF) have delivered a 30,000 strong petition to 10 Downing Street calling for a ban on junk food adverts before 9pm. The petition also urged the Government to take wider action to tighten advertising regulations and protect children.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 26 March 2015

Reports: Parents’ Jury Survey on Junk Food Marketing

Most parents told us they are concerned that junk food advertising is having a significant impact on their children’s food choices. Many reported that their children were regularly being targeted and as a result increasingly associated unhealthy foods with treats and rewards, and asked for the brands they saw, making it harder for them to encourage healthy eating habits.
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 19 September 2018

News: Food systems must be the core of urban planning for climate change

Urban food supplies are major contributors to climate change, and are also highly vulnerable to climate change. With ever more of the world's population living in cities, urgent action is needed to improve the resilience of urban food provision, a new report finds.
Sustain | Friday 27 May 2016

News: New parents' manifesto calls for action on children's healthy food

As two thirds of parents worry about what their children are eating, the Children's Food Campaign has launched Our Children, Our Future, a new parents' manifesto for government action on healthy children's food, calling for action in five key policy areas. 
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 24 April 2024

News: Prince of Wales visits London Food Link project

On Thursday 1st July King's Fund president HRH The Prince of Wales and chief executive Niall Dickson will meet farmers, hospital staff and organisers of the Hospital Food Project, which boosts NHS hospitals' use of locally produced and/or organic food. They will be hosted at St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, Tooting, South London, one of the project's four pilot sites.
Good Food on the Public Plate | Monday 28 June 2004

News: Event: Tackling climate change through sustainable food systems

The Square Meal group plans an event to debate the food policy changes urgently needed to tackle climate change.
Sustain | Friday 26 February 2016

News: Make a feast of London's green, gold and growing urban food scene

London will feast on the fabulous local produce being grown, produced and cooked on its doorstep, with the capital city's first Urban Food Week, 10th to 16th September.
Ethical Eats | Wednesday 29 August 2012

Page: Recommendations for robust healthier food advertising policy guidance

Local governments have a healthier food advertising policy when their policy guidance meets the minimum standards, plus they have a strong implementation which should result in switching the spotlight away from unhealthy foods and drinks. This page sets out what needs to be included in robust healthier food advertising policy guidance.
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Commercial Determinants: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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