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News: Birds, bees and global food production

A landmark report on pollinators from an international panel of experts provides unimpeachable evidence of the threat, but says that policymakers can take steps to halt the decline. 
Sustain | Friday 9 December 2016

News: London grows over 20 tonnes of food in 2016

Instead of jumping straight in the new year’s resolution bandwagon, at Capital Growth we have started the year by looking back at how much has been grown in London's gardens in 2016 - and the results are very exciting!
Sustain | Thursday 12 January 2017

News: Two powerful new food books with Sustain links

Tim Lang and Pamela Mason make the case for diets that are sustainable as well as healthy, while Philip Lymbery exposes the far-reaching impacts of intensive agriculture.
Sustain | Friday 10 March 2017

News: London Food Link: Spring Do discount

LFL's annual spring get-together is only weeks away. This year we're hosted by St. JOHN Maltby and we're offering a limited number of tickets for just £15, that’s 25% off the full price!
London Food Link | Tuesday 4 April 2017

News: Food Thinkers seminar on sustainable diets

How can we learn to think of diets in a holistic way, rather than seeing healthy eating, climate change, loss of biodiversity or the need for decent livelihoods as separate issues?
Sustain | Friday 5 May 2017

News: Enterprising food growers pitch in to win prize

Capital Growth’s third annual Roots to Work conference celebrated five enterprising growers who pitched their ideas to the sixty-strong crowd, at the event on 23 November 2017. 
Capital Growth | Thursday 7 December 2017

News: NEW London Food Link supporter offers

To say thanks to people who support its work, LFL has harvested a bunch of deals on classes, courses, kit and more.
London Food Link | Tuesday 2 January 2018

News: Dig In 2018: A celebration of food growing in the city

Urban growers from across Capital Growth’s network came together earlier this month, to share ideas and kick start the growing season at an event hosted by Urban Growth at Pop Brixton.
Capital Growth | Wednesday 28 March 2018

News: Taxing unhealthy food and drink works

A comprehensive meta-analysis by UK Health Forum (a member of the Sustain alliance) and Public Health England shows that fiscal and pricing policies make a big impact on health.
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 14 December 2018

Page: Older People’s Food Campaign

There is real potential for councils and their partners to use meals on wheels as a way to help people retain their health and independence and there are working examples of services doing this.
Food Poverty

Food Poverty: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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