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News: Fabian Report on Food and Poverty: A Recipe for Inequality

The Fabian Commission on Food and Poverty have released an interim report showing UK's low income households are being pushed towards a food crisis. The Commission finds that while most of the population have access to better diets, those on low incomes are being left behind. The report shows that some low income families are spending over a third of their budget on food. The Commission argued this squeeze on budgets led low income families to less nutritious diets higher in fat, salt and sugar. In addition the report found that child obesity is rising in low income households, with those on lower incomes one and a half times more likely to get diabetes than those on higher incomes.
Sustain | Thursday 26 March 2015

Article: Roots to work: The Women’s Food Champion

Mex is co-founder of Women in the Food Industry – an initiative working to bring together and shine a spotlight on inspiring women working in food. 
London Food Link | Tuesday 2 February 2021

News: British Journal of Sports Medicine editorial attacks focus on exercise rather than unhealthy food in tackling obesity

Children's Food Campaign is supporting calls for an end to celebrity endorsements of sugary drinks and the association of junk food and sport.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 23 April 2015

Reports: Developing food poverty action plans 2019

This short guide offers advice on drafting and delivering local food poverty action plans. The guide is based on analysis of a number of recently-produced local food poverty strategies or plans.
Food Poverty | Monday 25 March 2019

News: Scaling out local food systems: New research published

The local food sector is grappling with substantial challenges, according to a recent report, creating high barriers to market entry in a supermarket-dominated system. This include inadequate infrastructure for processing and retail, and fragmented sector coordination as major hurdles to growth in the 'critical' local food sector. 
Local Food Plan | Thursday 13 June 2024

News: Petition urges MEPs to halve food waste

On 24 January, Members of the European Parliament will vote on a proposal to reduce food waste in the EU by 50% by 2030. Campaigners are urged to sign here to show their support. Action is urgently needed because a new report by the EU's own auditors has found that the EU's activities so far have been inadequate.
Sustain | Friday 20 January 2017

News: Private Members' Bill on Sugar in Food and Drink

Geraint Davies MP's Private Members' Bill on Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) is scheduled to have a Second Reading in the House of Commons. The Bill would require the Secretary of State to set targets for sugar content in food and drinks; to provide that sugar content on food and drink labelling be represented in terms of the number of teaspoonfuls of sugar; to provide for standards of information provision in advertising of food and drinks; and for connected purposes. Due to parliamentary scheduling and procedures, this is likely to be as far as the Bill gets this time. We hope that what this Bill is trying to achieve may meet with more success in the next Parliament. See Sustain's work on sugary drinks
Children's Food Campaign | Friday 27 February 2015

News: New study highlights methods to safeguard UK food security

Farming practices which balance the needs of the land with those of people have a huge part to play in safeguarding food security, a major new study has found. It found that agroecology – food production that makes the best use of nature’s goods and services while not damaging precious resources – can help maintain agricultural productivity.
Sustain | Monday 22 June 2015

News: Soil erosion threatens global food security

A new study recently published in the journal Science says in many places soils are being lost faster than they are naturally being made. At the same time increased pressure on farmland from crops for non-food uses such as  biofuels may create a shortage of inorganic fertiliser. The paper urges more efficient food distribution and better soil management.
Sustain | Friday 15 May 2015

Reports: Double Yield: Jobs and sustainable food production

This is a republication of the 1997 report with a new foreword. Double Yield is about getting back something we have lost. We value our countryside, our rural landscapes and wildlife, our rural communities. We value healthy nutritious food and respect for farm animals. Yet we are losing many valued aspects of our natural environments, including meadows, wetlands, woodlands, birds and other wildlife. Increasingly, we no longer trust the food we eat nor believe that all animals are treated fairly.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 27 April 2015

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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