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News: Children's Food Campaign asks FSA: don't expose children to even more advertising for sugary cereals and salty crisps

The Children's Food Campaign welcomed today's recommendation to the FSA Board not to change the nutrient profiling model used to decide which foods are healthy or not.
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 23 March 2009

News: Will Brexit mean better food for Britain? Join our public debate

London Food Link are joining forces with We Are Waterloo for the closing event of the Waterloo Food Festival, 6-8pm, 28 July. 
London Food Link | Friday 23 June 2017

Reports: An investigation into the workings of small-scale food hubs

One of the key challenges facing local food is the issue of economically viable and sustainable distribution. This report analyses 11 small-scale community-run food hubs, examining what they share in common, how they differ, and how the organisers have sought to overcome the challenges they face
Making Local Food Work | Sunday 1 November 2009

News: Half of Brits are unaware of exploitation in the food chain

To mark the start of Fairtrade Fortnight new research shows that 26% of Brits never think about who produces their food and almost half of us are unaware of exploitation in the food chain.
Ethical Eats | Monday 26 February 2018

News: Courtauld 2025: reducing the resources needed for food

Courtauld 2025 is a voluntary agreement for the whole food chain that aims to reduce the resources needed to provide food and drink by one-fifth in 10 years. There is still time to sign up or join the Steering Group, prior to launch on 15 March.
Sustain | Tuesday 15 March 2016

News: Candidates back our call for a food partnership in Knowsley

Labour party candidates Sean Donnelly and Ken McGlashan have come out in support of setting up a food partnership and helping to address food insecurity. Knowsley Kitchen and Sustain are calling on other party candidates to follow suit.
Local elections | Thursday 22 April 2021

News: Defra harnesses British Food to drive up exports

Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss has announced that 2016 will be the Year of British Food and will see the launch of the Great British Food Unit which will be run by Defra and UKTI. 
Sustain | Sunday 8 November 2015

News: EU votes to do away with unfair trading in the food supply chain

On 25 October the European Parliament voted for a new law to do away with unfair trading in the food supply chain.
Sustain | Tuesday 6 November 2018

News: 1.5 million food parcels distributed as need continues to soar

New figures released by the Trussell Trust reveal that 1.5 million emergency food parcels were provided between April and September 2023 by food banks in the charity’s UK-wide network. This is the most parcels that the network has ever distributed at this point in the year and represents a 16% increase from the same period in 2022.
Food Poverty | Wednesday 8 November 2023

News: First pictures: Sustainable food on London 2012 menus

Sustainable food on London 2012 menus includes Fairtrade, Red Tractor and Marine Stewardship Council logos to show Olympic visitors their food is from ethical, British and sustainable marine sources - a first for any Olympic or Paralympic Games!
Food Legacy | Monday 23 July 2012

Food Legacy: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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