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News: Campaigners attack flaws in Government food plans

The Good Food for Our Money campaign today responded to the publication of compulsory 'Government Buying Standards' for food bought by central government.
Good Food for Our Money Campaign | Thursday 16 June 2011

News: New report highlights opportunity for more food growing on prescription

A new report, published by food and farming charity Sustain has highlighted the opportunity for social prescribing services being rolled out across London and the UK, to make use of health and wellbeing benefits provided by community food gardens.
Capital Growth | Monday 28 October 2019

News: Call for good practice for report on out of home food

The Institute of Food Safety Integrity & Protection (TIFSIP) are requesting information on best practice and case studies in interventions designed to improve the out of home food environment for a new Public Health England toolkit.
Sustain | Thursday 3 March 2016

News: How does secondary school food fare for young people?

New research from Food Active suggests while many schools are taking steps to provide healthier choices, reduce queues and improve seating within the canteen, students want to see more improvements. Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 23 May 2024

News: Boris' advisor Rosie Boycott warns food system cannot cope with crisis

In an interview with The Jellied Eel magazine Rosie Boycott questioned where London would get its food from if faced with a crisis.
London Food Link | Thursday 20 November 2008

News: Fast food firms cut antibiotic use after pressure from investors

Work by the FAIRR initiative puts pressure on fast food firms to reduce the use of antibiotics in their food chains.
Save Our Antibiotics | Tuesday 28 May 2019

Events: Sourcing local food in public catering and procurement

The webinar will cover developments in public catering and procurement policy, innovative examples of sourcing local agroecological food, and the role of food partnerships in this context. 
Sustainable Food Places | Tuesday 11 July 2023

News: Cities Sign Urban Food Policy Pact

The Milan Expo 2015 on World Food Day saw more than 100 cities including London, Moscow, Milan, New York and Abidjan sign a pact to see more just and sustainable urban food systems. 
Sustain | Sunday 25 October 2015

News: 100 cities sign Urban Food Policy Pact

With cities now being home to more than half of the world's population, 100 cities have signed up to an 'Urban Food Policy Pact', committing to develop sustainable food systems and promote healthy diets for their citizens.
Sustainable Food Places | Monday 19 October 2015

Article: Diversity: Good Food’s Missing Ingredient

London is a city buzzing with diversity. But does our sustainable food scene reflect this vibrant mix of cultures? Mecca Ibrahim spoke to women working in the food industry to find out.
London Food Link | Monday 28 September 2020

London Food Link: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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