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News: London Food Board celebrates 10 years of leadership

The Capital of Food report, released today by the Greater London Authority, celebrates a decade of good food leadership by the London Food Board and its many partners.
Sustain | Friday 18 March 2016

News: 'Lack of forward planning' highlighted as key concern in food responses during Covid-19

New research has been published by researchers from Sheffield University mapping and monitoring responses to the risk of rising food insecurity during the Covid-19 crisis across the UK, autumn 2020 to summer 2021.
Food Poverty | Monday 15 August 2022

News: Senior government adviser calls for legal standards for hospital food

Professor Tim Lang, a leading expert in food policy and prominent government adviser, today joined campaigners to call for legally binding standards to improve hospital food.
Good Food for Our Money Campaign | Wednesday 31 March 2010

News: Stockport’s community food hub gets five years funding

Sustain member, the Kindling Trust have secured almost £500,000 of funding to develop Stockport’s Community Food Hub which will offer social prescribing, urban food production, horticulture training and challenge issues including food poverty.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 8 November 2018

Article: Urban Food Fortnight: Reconnecting people and planet

After eight years of celebrating the people growing, making, cooking and saving food in the capital, Sarah Davenport looks deeper at the motivation behind Urban Food Fortnight and how it is helping to change our food system for the better.
London Food Link | Sunday 29 September 2019

News: Borough Market publishes new food policy

One of London’s oldest and most famous markets has published a new Food Policy, to ensure that sustainability cuts across all parts of the Market’s operations.
London Food Link | Monday 15 August 2022

News: Glasgow and Edinburgh up the ante in tackling food poverty

Council leaders, Andrew Burns and Gordon Matheson, signed a progressive pledge in support of the Church of Scotland's 'Food Justice Movement', to tackle food poverty in their cities.As well as seeking changes on their home turf and in Scottish Government, they are encouraging other parts of the UK to match their commitments and develop their own plans to tackle the causes of food poverty. Sustain will be launching a new camapign on food poverty in Spring 2015.
Sustain | Friday 6 March 2015

News: UK's largest Edible Open Gardens event offers a glimpse of urban food-farms

More than 100 of the UK's community food-growing gardens will be throwing open their gates to the public during September 2012, in the largest open event of food-growing spaces ever seen in the UK.
Good to Grow | Wednesday 25 July 2012

News: The UK faces serious food insecurity, Sustain tells parliament

In October, Sustain submitted evidence to the EFRA Committee's inquiry on food security. In it, Sustain highlighted the mutiple challenges that the food system faces and what the UK Government can do to support farmers, communities, and households to be more food secure.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 10 November 2022

News: Children take food poverty challenge to Westminster with new report

Nine young food ambassadors aged 10-20 years old have travelled to Westminster to share their experiences of food insecurity with the House of Lords and civil society experts, as part of the Children's Future Food Inquiry, in a new report. 
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 17 January 2019

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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