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Reports: Food Poverty: Policy Options for the new Millennium

This report revisits the issues raised in the first Sustain report Food Poverty: What are the policy options? published in 1998. It looks at what has changed, where there has been progress - and where progress has been lacking. Most important, it sets out what is needed now, early in the new Millennium, to ensure that no-one in the UK is denied access to a varied and nutritious diet.
Food Access Network | Monday 1 January 2001

Blog: How are London councils responding to rising food insecurity during lockdown and as it lifts?

Maddie Guerlain looks at trends across the city, what local authorities are planning for the summer and four areas of best practice. 
London Food Link | Monday 29 June 2020

News: Food Legacy project seeks volunteer support

Please consider helping the Food Legacy project officer to recruit more caterers and food businesses to help fulfil the ambitions of the London 2012 Food Vision
Food Legacy | Thursday 31 May 2012

Article: Lessons from the field: supporting our Urban Food Heroes

Urban Food Fortnight was set up in 2012 by London Food Link to celebrate our city's local larder, an connect the great people behind our good food scene. Here Georgie Styles talks to Nat Mady, Founder of Hackney Herbal, to find out just how Urban Food Fortnight helps inspire and support her good food business.
London Food Link | Wednesday 26 September 2018

News: First household food insecurity measure for London published

1.5 million people in London are food insecure due to low income, lack of affordable food and under-promotion of schemes that make good food accessible.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 20 August 2019

News: Food Legacy Awards celebrate the best of sustainable catering

Leading caterers and institutions, and companies that served food at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, have received Food Legacy Awards for championing healthy and sustainable food.
Food Legacy | Wednesday 26 September 2012

News: New London Plan: How could it change the food you grow, cook and eat?

A ban on new fast food outlets opening near schools is just one of the food related policies in the new London Plan, out for consultation until the 2 March. The 10 year plan includes measures to improve health, but London Food Link is calling for bolder policies to help Londoners grow, buy and eat good food.
Jellied Eel | Monday 19 February 2018

News: Food poisoning bug found in 73% of shop-bought chicken

New figures from the Food Standards Agency show that all the major retailers failed to meet targets for reducing campylobacter, a potentially serious food bug mainly found on raw poultry, which is the biggest cause of food poisoning in the UK. 
Sustain | Friday 29 May 2015

News: Red Tractor intends to become “flagship of British food and farming”

The assurance scheme says that it will introduce unannounced inspections for members that “require more scrutiny” in a move to strengthen the brand.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Thursday 13 September 2018

News: The government has announced it will establish a Food Crime Unit

This is in response to the recommendations of the Elliott report on food integrity and assurance of food supply networks, which was commissioned following the horsemeat scandal. It has been reported that the new unit will comprise a specialist team within the Food Standards Agency.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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