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Blog: National School Meals Week: every child has a right to healthy hot meals

It's National School Meals Week from 8-12 November, with the aim of bringing healthy hot meals to more children. However, over a million children continue to miss out on free meals. In this blog, Barbara Crowther discusses the issues.
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 9 November 2021

News: Feedback takes UK Government to court over lack of action on meat and dairy in the food strategy

Sustain member Feedback says government failed to take into account environmental advice from its own climate change committee and its adviser Henry Dimbleby in the food strategy for England.
Climate Change and Nature | Thursday 25 August 2022

Page: The London Food Strategy: One year on

Delivering healthy, affordable, sustainable food for all Londoners.
Good Food For London

News: Sustainable Fish Cities responds to draft London Food Strategy

Sustainable Fish Cities welcomes the Mayor's commitment to sustainable fish buying in the capital, but has asked for clarity on farmed fish 
Sustainable Fish | Thursday 12 July 2018

News: London Food Strategy to address critical state of the world’s fish stocks

Sustainable Fish Cities, the campaign to ensure only sustainable fish is eaten out of home in London, has welcomed the Mayor’s commitment to sustainable fish buying in the capital.
Sustainable Fish | Friday 11 May 2018

News: New £1.6 million National Lottery project to tackle food poverty

People in communities across the UK will be given support to tackle food poverty, under a new four-year programme supported with more than £1.6 million of National Lottery funding from the Big Lottery Fund. The Food Power initiative will help grass-roots experts in 32 areas develop ideas and work with like-minded groups elsewhere in the country.
Food Power | Monday 12 June 2017

News: National action is needed for councils to tackle food's role in the climate and nature emergency

New research from Sustain finds that two thirds of Council climate action plans miss out food, despite food and farming contributing between 20-30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Change and Nature | Wednesday 18 November 2020

Page: Organic Targets: A strategy for change

Organic Targets Bill Campaign archive: A strategy for change
Organic Sector Development

News: Government considers national hardship fund to avert no deal Brexit food crisis

Theresa May and senior Government officials are considering the need for a ‘hardship fund’ to help people on a low income afford food and other basic necessities in the event of a no deal Brexit. They are also considering how schools and hospitals could be helped to secure the food they need to feed children and patients.
Good Food Trade Campaign | Monday 25 February 2019

News: Government launches Net Zero Strategy

The Government today (Tuesday 19 October) launched the plan that it hopes will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach its net zero target by 2050.
Climate Change and Nature | Tuesday 19 October 2021

Climate Change and Nature: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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