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News: New Food and Drink Wales Industry Board

Robin Jones, managing director of The Village Bakery, is interim Chair of the new Food and Drink Wales Industry Board. The appointment follows the recent launch of Towards Sustainable Growth: An Action Plan for the Food and Drink Industry 2014 – 2020, which sets out how the Welsh Government will help Wales’s food and drink industry grow by 30 percent to £7 billion by 2020. The industry-led board will provide direction, encourage networking and share market development information with Wales’ food and drink businesses. The Welsh Government will support the board during its development stage, although it will soon become independent of government. Once established it will offer direct advice to Welsh Ministers.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

Article: Taking the pulse of London hospital food

Hospitals have a poor reputation when it comes to food, but what sort of meals are really being served up? Katherine Button writes about how the Campaign for Better Hospital Food’s new report is lifting the lid on the state of patients’ plates.
London Food Link | Wednesday 18 April 2018

Article: Granville Community Kitchen's Good Food Box

Granville Community Kitchen is investing in the health of its community through a veg box scheme that makes fresh, seasonal, localised and culturally significant food affordable for everyone. Ceire Carey finds out more about Good Food Box.
London Food Link | Monday 18 July 2022

News: Urban Food Fortnight: the final fling

The end of Urban Food Fortnight is nigh, but whether you like to grow, make, save, cook or just enjoy great food and beverages there are still some outstanding events left that you won't want to miss.
Jellied Eel | Thursday 4 October 2018

News: China moves to tackle food waste

The food wasted in China in restaurants alone could feed 30-50 million people. Along with food losses from the supply chain and domestic kitchens, this represents a massive waste of resources, plus substantial methane emissions from landfill. But the good news is that the problem is at last being recognised.
Sustain | Friday 13 January 2017

News: Public health leaders launch join forces in calling for healthy children's food

Seven leading public and child health organisations are jointly calling on policy makers to increase access to good food for children through expansion of school meals, Healthy Start and breakfast programmes. 
Children's Food Campaign | Wednesday 17 January 2024

News: Free FIN workshop for food and drink businesses

The Defra-backed Food Innovation Network (FIN), which provides advice on access to funding, mentoring, and peer-to-peer collaboration to fledgling food businesses, will set out its stall at a free workshop in Reading.
Sustain | Friday 19 May 2017

News: Urban Food Awards winners announced

The winners of this year's Urban Food Awards have been announced at a ceremony at City Hall, shining a spotlight on the enterprises, initiatives and - for this year - the women, bringing good food to London's table. 
Jellied Eel | Thursday 21 March 2019

News: Welsh Government respond to food poverty

​On 20 April, Welsh Government and Public Health Wales convened a Food Poverty Think Tank in Cardiff. The purpose of the all-Wales meeting was to bring together partners to identify strategic actions that could be collectively delivered to improve outcomes for people at risk of food poverty.
Food Poverty | Friday 1 May 2015

News: The Food For Life catering mark is changing

From January 2017, the Soil Association’s Food for Life Catering Mark is being relaunched as ‘Food for Life Served Here’. The new name and associated marketing materials will help to make the mark easier to understand.
Sustain | Friday 20 January 2017

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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