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News: Foundation calls for food waste legislation

Caroline Mason, CEO of the grant-making Esmee Fairburn Foundation has called for a ban on food businesses throwing away fit-for-purpose surplus food.
Sustain | Friday 26 June 2015

News: How to work with local authorities for good food

Sustainable Food Cities have two new practical guides on food partnerships with local authorities.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 27 September 2018

News: Feedback launch food waste petition

Food waste campaigner Feedback have launched a new petition calling for an EU directive requiring supermarkets to donate their edible unsold food to charity.
Sustain | Friday 10 July 2015

News: London Food Link fundraising: help needed

Over the next few months, the charity Sustain is ramping up activity to help secure the future of its London Food Link work and need to hear from food producers and other people who can help us out.
London Food Link | Tuesday 17 January 2017

News: Food bank use reaches highest levels yet

New statistics from the Trussell Trust reveal the stark increase in food bank use highlighting yet again that a long-term solution to food insecurity is needed.
Food Poverty | Thursday 22 April 2021

News: Jamie Oliver launches Food Revolution Day

Jamie Oliver has launched a world-wide Food Revolution Day to campaign to put compulsory practical food education on the school curriculum. Jamie wants to see the leaders and governments of all G20 countries to sign up to educating children about food so they can learn the basic skills needed to lead heatlhier, happier lives. You can sign the petition, become an ambassador, download a free lesson plan or even listen to Jamie's Food Revolution rap with Ed Sheeran and others.   
Sustain | Friday 15 May 2015

News: Food sector reacts to Brexit vote

Food campaigners, unions and trade associations predict at best uncertainty and at worst bleak prospects for British food and farming in the aftermath of the UK decision to leave the EU.
Sustain | Friday 24 June 2016

News: Alarm over power of mega food companies

Dominant agri-food firms have become too big to feed humanity sustainably, too big to operate on equitable terms with other players in the food system, and too big to drive the types of innovation we need, according to a new report.
Sustain | Friday 13 October 2017

Events: Cash-first approaches to addressing food poverty

Join Sustain for its first deep dive webinar into our annual benchmarking report that assesses local authority action on food and food poverty in London. 
London Food Link | Tuesday 23 February 2021

News: Children's Food Campaign welcomes Lords' behaviour change report

The Children's Food Campaign has today welcomed the publication of the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee's report on Behaviour Change
Children's Food Campaign | Tuesday 19 July 2011

Children's Food Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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