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News: Sustainable Food Trust joins Sustain

That makes it all twice as sustainable, right? Led by veteran food campaigner Patrick Holden, the Sustainable Food Trust campaigns, as we do, for more sustainable food systems, everywhere.  
Sustain | Friday 19 May 2017

News: Food industry veterans join FSA Board

The Food Standards Agency has turned to the food industry for three of its four new Board members
Sustain | Friday 18 March 2016

News: Food and Farming in the EU Referendum April event

Food Ethics Council and Kindling Trust are organising a Manchester event on 19 April titled EU Referendum: a spotlight on food and farming which will explore the implications of a Brexit for the food we eat and the way we produce it.
Sustain | Thursday 3 March 2016

News: UK food poverty rising at alarming rate

New data shows an alarming increase in food poverty and food bank use in the UK, with proposed benefits cuts threatening to plunge 40,000 more children below the poverty line. Join the Sustainable Food Cities call for urgent action on benefits cuts, sanctions and low wages by signing the food poverty declaration.
Food Poverty | Monday 1 June 2015

Blog: Why Urban Food Fortnight is good for business

Cyrus Todiwala is the founder and owner of Café Spice Namaste, a Sustain Patron, long-time London Food Link supporter and Jellied Eel magazine reader. Here he shares his thoughts on how Urban Food Fortnight helps the good food business community.
Jellied Eel | Tuesday 11 September 2018

Article: How many Real Bread bakers does it take to change a food system?

How many Real Bread bakers would we need to feed the entire nation once more? As Kelly Parsons finds out, Campaign co-founder Andrew Whitley has done some sums and reckons the answer is around 75,000…
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 14 May 2019

News: The London boroughs who support good food

The Good Food for London report, published by London Food Link, shows the London boroughs that measure up when it comes to healthy and sustainable food.
Jellied Eel | Wednesday 11 December 2019

News: Convenience meals disconnecting people from food

Research commissioned by the Food Standards Agency suggests that the trend towards convenience foods, online grocery shopping, and 'eating on the go' could decrease the social and cultural importance of sharing meals
Sustain | Friday 19 February 2016

News: Cities respond to Government’s call for action on junk food advertising

Seven cities and local authorities are looking to dump junk food adverts or promote healthier ones in an effort to tackle diet related disease in their area. The pledges to act were made by places ranging from Bournemouth & Poole to Glasgow following the Sustainable Food Cities conference, just hours after the launch of the Government’s Obesity Plan. Restricting junk food advertising is one of the headline measures of the Plan, alongside a Government pledge to support local trailblazers taking action to improve children’s health.
Sustainable Food Places | Friday 13 July 2018

News: Food Standards Agency's Chicken Challenge

The FSA are urging the public to take up the Chicken Challenge as part of Food Safety Week which starts on the 18th May. The Chicken Challenge aims to help people cut their chances of getting campylobacter food poisoning. They want you to promise to store raw chicken separately from other food, not wash raw chicken, wash everything that's touched raw chicken and cook chicken properly. The FSA aims to halve the levels of food poisoning from campylobacter by the end of 2015. That could mean over 100,000 fewer people getting sick. However, campaigners like Professor Tim Lang from (Sustain member) the Centre for Food Policy have urged the FSA to do more to clean up the food industry and the poultry trade by tackling campylobacter in their flocks.
Sustain | Friday 15 May 2015

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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