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Blog: Bridging the Gap: A snapshot of inspiring Northern Irish food initiatives

Kerry Melville, Coordinator of Nourish NI, highlights a few of the initiatives in Northern Ireland that are working to increase access to fresh, locally produced affordable food in their communities.
Bridging the Gap | Tuesday 4 April 2023

News: A third of London councils unable to present coherent response to rising food poverty

New reports show mixed progress of London’s councils in improving local food and tackling food poverty. But despite budget cuts, many councils applauded for their commitment to tackling poverty, with more paying the London Living Wage and improving food and care for children.
London Food Link | Friday 13 October 2017

News: Industry to double food waste redistribution

The food industry has set itself a new target for the amount of food it 'redistributes' to charities and other recipients, which is to be welcomed -- although it leaves systemic problems with oversupply and food poverty unaddressed.
Sustain | Friday 3 February 2017

Page: Good Food Local: The London Report

Find out how councils in London are taking action on food and helping our food system work for everyone in our new Good Food for All Londoners report and league table.
London Food Link

News: Government moves to keep healthier food advertising regulations on track

The government has now published its response on the secondary legislation needed to ensure the implementation of a 9pm watershed and total online ban on paid-for advertising of products high in fat, salt and/or sugar by 1 October 2025. Sustain's Children's Food Campaign responds.
Children's Food Campaign | Thursday 12 September 2024

News: Fears of the end of independent meat inspectors despite reassurances from the Food Standards Agency

UNISON argue that we shouldn’t believe the FSA when they say there are no plans to scrap independent meat inspectors.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 November 2017

News: Food banks a short-term Band-Aid

A new paper from the Food Research Collaboration argues that using wasted food to feed hungry people distracts from underlying problems of surplus production and food insecurity.
Sustain | Friday 27 January 2017

News: All aboard! London Food Roots goes to Wandsworth

Be Enriched and Growhampton, both members of the Wandsworth Food Partnership, recently hosted a visit from food partnerships from across the capital, showcasing their work on food access for local residents and students.
London Food Link | Monday 29 November 2021

Blog: Roots to Work: the food partnership officer

Community Food Partnership Officer and IFSTAL alumni, Sara Azeem, tells us about what inspired her to work in the food system and her hopes for tackling big issues through food sovereignty. 
Roots to Work | Tuesday 6 February 2024

News: Sustain welcomes Better Food Traders to the alliance

Building on years of collaborative work to promote fair, farmer-focused food retail, Sustain is delighted to welcome the Better Food Traders network as a member of the alliance for better food and farming.
Sustain | Thursday 30 May 2024

Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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