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News: Sustainable Food Cities welcomes call for community food plans; and looks forward to contributing to the National Food Strategy

Sustainable Food Cities has welcomed the final report of the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, entitled 'Our Future in the Land', as well as the launch of the National Food Strategy.
Sustainable Food Places | Thursday 18 July 2019

Reports: Would the National Food Strategy’s Sugar and Salt Reformulation Tax unfairly impact on households with low incomes?

Recipe for Change is a campaign calling for a new industry levy to help make our food healthier, while raising revenue that can be invested back into children’s health. This policy briefing, written by the Food Foundation in February 2022, explores the impact of a reformulation tax on households with low incomes, based on the National Food Strategy’s recommendations.
Recipe for Change | Tuesday 19 December 2023

News: National Food Strategy lead calls for food, farming and environment standards in trade deals

Henry Dimbleby, independent lead on the National Food Strategy, and Defra non-executive director, has written an open letter to the chair of the Trade and Agriculture Commission, Tim Smith, calling for food, farming, health and environment standards in trade deals.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Monday 23 November 2020

Reports: How Community Supported Agriculture and small-scale farming can help address the health, food justice and environmental objectives of the National Food Strategy

Sustain, the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network and Landworkers’ Alliance have published this briefing to highlight the role that CSAs and small-scale farms can play in delivering objectives and recommendations in the National Food Strategy.
Sustainable Farming Campaign | Friday 15 October 2021

News: National Food Strategy author calls delay to Government obesity plans a ‘retrograde step’

Interviewed about the news that the government is delaying junk food ads and multibuy restrictions, Henry Dimbleby, the independent author of the Government’s National Food Strategy, has called the decision a ‘retrograde’ step. Disquiet amongst the Conservative Party is growing, with a number of former health ministers speaking out against the move. 
Children's Food Campaign | Monday 16 May 2022

News: Inquiry report on the draft National Pollinator Strategy

The Environmental Audit Committee has published an inquiry report on the draft National Pollinator Strategy (NPS) – which has been produced to safeguard pollinators and their essential role in ecosystems.  The report calls for research to be transparent and subject to independent controls, and for the government to accept an EU ban on three neonicotinoid pesticides linked to a decline in bee populations and not seek to overturn it when the European Commission reviews the ban in 2015.
Sustain | Wednesday 1 October 2014

Pages: National Food Strategy

Launched in two parts over 2020-2021, the National Food Strategy was an independent review commissioned by government to set out a vision and a plan for a better food system. The Government responded to it with its own 'strategy', published in June 2022 (six months late).
National Food Strategy

Blog: What is the National Food Strategy going to do? 

With the first milestone in the new National Food Strategy due to be launched imminently, Ben Reynolds considers what has been said publically about its direction, and what scope this gives for something ground-breaking.
National Food Strategy | Tuesday 21 July 2020

News: Government launches call for evidence on National Food Strategy

Government launces call for evidence towards a National Food Strategy. Sustain comments.
Better Food Britain | Saturday 17 August 2019

News: Brexit Forum news, January 2019: A national food strategy?

On this page, we share recent news updates on the development of a National Food Strategy, as proposed by Defra’s Michael Gove, the first such policy since World War II. And good news from Scotland - the Good Food Nation Bill is back on the table!
Good Food Trade Campaign | Wednesday 2 January 2019

Good Food Trade Campaign: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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