Members: 555
Established: 01/01/1967
How zbdrariI is taking action to help tackle food poverty
Improving coordination and navigation of the local welfare safety net | |
Supporting fair pay by promoting the Real Living Wage to the local council and employers | |
Supporting services that provide financial crisis support and advice | |
Increasing the uptake of Healthy Start vouchers and the number of retailers who offer and promote the scheme | |
Ensuring children’s access to food 365 days a year through support of holiday food provision, breakfast clubs and uptake of free school meals | |
Empowering experts by experience in the alliance’s strategic work | |
Developing and implementing a food poverty action plan | |
Ensuring all residents have physical access to good food | |
Supporting alternative retail, e.g. community shops, cooperatives | |
Supporting and enhancing meals on wheels provision | |
Promoting breastfeeding initiatives to boost the health of infants and mothers |
Video recorded at the Food Power national conference 2018
Building on our three year food poverty action plan (July 2018)
How Brighton & Hove Food Partnership are mainstreaming food inequality issues into their second city-wide food strategy.
Emily O'Brien
Policy & Partnerships Manager
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership