VideoEdible garden in East London. Credit: Sofia Parente
In this session, you will:
- better understand how the planning system works and affects the food system
- find out how planning can unlock a healthier food environment
- learn how planning can address the climate & nature emergency and river pollution
- hear from food partnerships that have successfully engaged in their areas' Local Plans.
Programme and speakers
- Planning for a good food environment (Gillian Morgan, Sustain): an introduction to local plan making and the role of Sustainable Food Places in unlocking a helathy food environment
- Local perspective - Sheffield (Ben Arnold, Sheffield City Council & Gareth Roberts, Regather): Contributing to Sheffield Local Plan consultation, submission content, achievements and outcomes
- Q&A
- Discussion: Local experiences, areas with Local Plans open for consultations, upcoming opportunities
- Planning for the Planet (Ruth Westcott, Sustain): Local councils have the power to support nature friendly farming, tackle river pollution and protect wildlife through planning – but are they using these powers, and how can SFPs help?
- Q&A and discussion
Before the session:
- Is there a local plan consultation ongoing in your area right now? When is the next consultation due? Find out here.
- Check out Sustain’s online toolkit Planning Food Cities which helps communities use the town planning system to achieve a more sustainable food system.
- Sign up for our monthly newsletter for updates on food in planning.
Sustainable Food Places: Network bringing together over 100 local food partnerships.