Food growing for climate change

Sunday 16 October 2022 • 10:3013:00

Join us for an interactive training session with Than at Regent's Park Allotment Garden to learn about how to grow food in light of climate change on Sunday 16 October, 10.30am-1pm.

Food growing trainer Than in action. Copyright: Thanush GunabalasinghamFood growing trainer Than in action. Copyright: Thanush Gunabalasingham

The recent drought and heat waves have taken a heavy toll on plants.

With more weather extremes anticipated, what will be the impacts on our food growing systems?

What can we do to make our gardens and allotments more resilient to climate change? 

This interactive workshop will explore strategies to help adapt to these changing times, with a focus on soil care, water management and plant selection.

Trainer bio:
Than Gunabalasingham is a horticultural tutor, forest gardener and all round plant enthusiast. Having worked for some years in sustainable food policy research, he has turned to the land, creating and teaching about resilient food systems. Most of all he is passionate about restoring wild spaces and creating productive edible landscapes that mimic the principles of nature. He currently tutors with OrganicLea and The Orchard Project.

Capital Growth: We believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow food as part of a healthy, resilient food system and we are working with our network of growers in London to make this happen.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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