Archived project

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To ensure joined-up policy activities in the Campaign for a Better Food Britain, Sustain is working with a wide range of organisations.

The organisations we are working with include Sustain alliance member organisations, and those involved in:

We also support and participate in specialist networks on key themes, including:

We are also working with sister groups and alliances, including:

Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics

The Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics is an alliance of health, medical, civil society and animal welfare groups campaigning to stop the overuse of antibiotics in animal farming. It was founded by Compassion in World Farming, the Soil Association and Sustain in 2009. Our vision is a world in which human and animal health and well-being are protected by food and farming systems that do not rely on routine antibiotic use.

All Party Parliamentary Group on Agroecology

An informal, cross-party group of MPs and Peers interested in sustainable food and farming. The APPG on Agroecology for sustainable food and farming was formed to provide a parliamentary focus for the contribution of agroecology to food security in the UK and worldwide.

Food Research Collaboration

Coordinated by the Centre for Food Policy at City University London, facilitates joint working by academics and civil society to improve the UK food system, including running seminars involving academics, civil society, policy-makers and industry. A key focus for this work over the next few years will be Brexit, and co-creating better governance for food, farming, fishing and trade.

Greener UK

A group of 13 major environmental organisations, with a combined public membership of 7.9 million (some of which organisations are also members of the Sustain alliance). They are united in the belief that leaving the EU is a pivotal moment to restore and enhance the UK’s environment.

Nourish Scotland

Nourish Scotland campaigns on food justice issues in Scotland. Nourish believes that tasty and nutritious food should be accessible to everyone, be sustainable, and be produced, processed, sold and served in a way that values and respects workers. Nourish is a leading voice promoting the Good Food Nation Bill for Scotland, and a Right to Food.

Sustainable Soils Alliance

The Sustainable Soils Alliance is a partnership of farming organisations, businesses, NGOs, applied science and academia working together to reverse the current crisis in soil health and restore our soils to health within one generation. Sustain is working with the Sustainable Soils Alliance to ensure that the new UK Agriculture Bill, environmental policy and the Environmental Land Management Scheme all help to reverse the soils crisis for food security, climate mitigation and flood protection.

Trade Justice Movement

The Trade Justice Movement is a UK coalition calling for trade rules that work for people and planet. Sustain is working with the Trade Justice Movement's call for the new UK Trade Bill to support trade justice, with the rules weighted to ensure sustainable outcomes for ordinary people and the environment.

Unlock Democracy

Unlock Democracy is a grassroots organisation arguing and campaigning for a vibrant, inclusive democracy that puts power in the hands of the people. Unlock Democracy coordinated cross-sector work on the EU Withdrawal Bill and subsequent legislative developments, and Sustain is working with the team in their efforts to achieve the best democratic, social, economic and environmental outcomes.

Wildlife & Countryside Link

Wildlife and Countryside Link brings together 46 environment and animal protection organisations to advocate for the conservation and protection of wildlife, countryside and the marine environment. Taken together they have the support of over eight million people in the UK and manage over 750,000 hectares of land. Sustain is working closely with the Link Legal Strategy group.

Better Food Britain: We want everyone to be able to enjoy food that is good for our health, produced in a way that supports good livelihoods, reduced waste and greenhouse gas emissions, high animal welfare and restoration of nature. Find out how.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2025
Registered charity (no. 1018643)
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